AboutStay Connected with thepeople of DPS JankipuramTextpage Network Textpage is network is widely spread all over D.P.S Jankipuram extension. This networks helps in connecting the whole class IX at one place on some special topics happened in the class, new and hit videos related to both bollywood and hollywood. This website is only based for students of class IX of D.P.S Jankipuram extension, lucknow.
Using Textpage Textpage is very easy to use for the students. Here you have to simple give comments on the topics raised. You can also post what are you doing and what's on your mind?? Here their will be many questions and your views will be seen by the whole students of class IX. Questions will not be like yes/no questions it will be like a debate which takes place in schools but here you can debate online. Questions will be related to sports, games , cinema, songs, class IX. You can also play online games and watch videos and keep commenting on it. If you want you can give us your own questions to us and we will display it on this website.
The Textpagions The word "Textpagions" refer to the people of texpage. Textpagions word will make you different from all the other webisite users.
Giving ads The best feature of this website is that here you can give your own ads of anything at a very low cost. You just have to provide the description and the title of your ad.
No Intentions The content displayed by us is not written to humilate or disrespect any personality, Content is just for views of the students what they think of the question asked. You can send us your own questions to be displayed like related to cinema, sports, games and what interesting happend in class IX today?
So use this website and feel free to comment. | |