The Developer XThe Web Creator ofTextpageHello! This website is made by me. I am Yashdeep Singh Chauhan, I have created this webisite to help the people of class IX to stay connected with their friends and their class with their facebook, yahoo, aol and Hotmail account.Here you will get the amazing cool news and some good/bad features of some of your friends. You can also see the videos onedirection PublicityAs I want more advertisement of my website. It's a humble request to the people that they tell their friends about this website. Tell the features of this website. Features The basic theme of your website is that to comment on other people's stuff! but we do not stick to one theme we also provide you with flash games, videos and selecting theme function are also coming soon.... Simplicity The best think that you all will like about this website is that the layout which is so simple and attractive for the students and as said earlier this layout helps the website to load faster so you can stay connected with us even with a slow network connection. Changing Idea We will change our Idea that means the layout of textpage, if the people didn't like the layout. You can send us your feedback to me. Help Me I have a request for all the textpagions(people of texpage) to help me to advertise my website in the whole class of IX as I can't reach all the people of class IX. Text, Tell or Mail about my website and say them to use it. Use my site as a lot you can. With your support maybe I can make a lot better than this. Thanks for your concern The Developer X | |